Mock Exam - Introduction

Note: These tests are in beta/experimental phase as of now. Please report any issues/concerns through the slack channel or Q&A section.

These exams were built to give you a real exam like feel in terms of your ability to read and interpret a given question, validate your own work, manage time to complete given tasks within the given time, and see where you went wrong.

Having said that:

  1. Please note that this exam is not a replica of the actual exam
  2. Please note that the questions in these exams are not the same as in the actual exam
  3. Please note that the interface is not the same as in the actual exam
  4. Please note that the scoring system may not be the same as in the actual exam
  5. Please note that the difficulty level may not be the same as in the actual exam

This is the first of its kind. More on the way!

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